Cervical screening is offered to women aged between 25 and 64. It aims to prevent cervical cancer. The screening test, often called a smear test, detects early pre-cancerous changes in cells that line the cervix. Most changes are caused by persistent infection with high risk types of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Any changes can be monitored or treated.
To arrange a cervical screening appointment, please telephone the Practice.
When you receive an invitation to cervical screening from the Practice, please, don’t ignore it. It takes just a few minutes and could save your life.
- First time being screen, or nervous? tell the Nurse/Doctor, and try to relax and distract your mind
- Worried about discomfort? Ask the Nurse/Doctor to use a smaller speculum
- Feeling embarrassed? Wear a skirt to your appointment as you can keep this on during the procedure
- Don’t want to go alone? Take a friend with you, to keep you company in the Waiting Room, and be there for you after the screening
- Undergone FGM/cutting in the past? Tell the Nurse/Doctor
- Not sure what to expect? Go to jostrust or call 0808 802 800
Download or view our Smear Test Guide
Try not to put off cervical screening. It’s one of the best ways to protect yourself from cervical cancer.