District Nurse

District Nurse

The District Nursing Team works closely with all members of the Primary Health Care Team, providing a range of services in the Community. District Nurses and community staff nurses will carry out an individualised assessment of your care and plan, in agreement with you, to support you and your family in managing your health.

Many people are referred to the District Nurse by the hospital or GP. If you are housebound (i.e. cannot leave the house to attend the hairdresser, shops or appointments with the doctor or dentist).

Referrals to community nursing

Access to the community nursing service can be made by patients or via a family member, GP or other health professional.

All referrals are handled centrally by a call referral management system.

Telephone: 028 2563 5521 Monday – Friday from 9.00am – 5.00pm.

You can also contact the Community Nurses directly at Glengormely Health Centre Telephone: 028 9083 1500.

Out of Hours

For weekends and out of hours please contact Dalriada Urgent Care.

Dalriada Urgent Care